Monday, October 26, 2009

How to...Make Sure Your Photos Aren't Being Illegally Used

As a blogger, you work hard to find that perfect image to illustrate your post each day. Does the thought of someone ripping off the photo that you took of your kids infuriate you? How do you protect yourself?

For starters, you can put a watermark on all your images. This will help prevent people from ripping your images off.

The second thing you can do is a "reverse image look up." TinEye, is online software that will let you upload a photo to see if it is being used elsewhere. You can also look up images by giving it a url to one of your images. This tool is still in beta, so there are a few kinks to be worked out.

Give it a whirl:


  1. Great tips!! I am off to check this out!


  2. I've actually had this very issue, I'm going to check out TinEye!

  3. -->Have you had someone steal your pictures before?
    Thanks for the tip too.

  4. I keep debating whether this is something I should do or not. I guess I really out to. But ugh! Is my mom gonna be irritated when she can't upload my pics anymore off my blog, lol

  5. Thanks for the info....I have thought about this. I'll look into it, thanks :)

  6. Great and helpful hints. I know a few blogger that have been vistims of not only their photod but their entire posted being stolen.

  7. Thank you. I'm going to bookmark that site!

  8. Thanks for the tip! I had no idea you could do a reverse image lookup. thanks for the lilnk to the source.

    pk @ Room Remix

  9. I always wondered how people got their names on their pictures. Thanks for the tip!

  10. This is great - thanks for sharing! I recently had someone copy a photo of my daughter from a review/giveaway post I'd done to use in her looooooong post of giveaways she did to get extra entries in all of the contests for blogging.

    How can people think that this is ok?!? I've added a copyright message, but that's not going to do much. And no, I don't think asking hubby for a 3 hour time out is asking too much!! After all, how many hours did you carry his baby all by yourself? 24 hours times 30 days times 9 1/2 months...something like that! :)

  11. Wow! I had never even thought about this. There is an endless amount of info and saveguards and html's hard work being a blogger. lol

    Are you putting a watermark on with paint?

  12. I found some free software called Paint.Net, but hope to get Adobe CS4 (or at least Photoshop) soon.
