Monday, September 7, 2009

Aspiring Photographer: Summer Then and Now

Photos of Baby Boy taken while camping and hiking last summer in contrast with photos taken camping and hiking this summer.

At only a couple month old, Baby Boy was always covered to avoid sunburn, and he was always carried on the front. He could have cared less if a chipmunk or bear crossed our path, as he slept through most the hike.

This year, hiking was quite the adventure for Baby Boy and whomever was carrying him. From kicking, hair pulls to sweet hugs and squeals from our passenger, there was never a dull moment. Baby Boy was very good at pointing out deer, chipmunks and whatever he saw!

Nap time was almost all the time last year. Baby Boy could crash out no matter where he was!

This year, it was all about playing and getting dirty (until Mommy had enough and corralled Baby Boy in the pack-n-play)!

Baby Boy at breakfast time! There's still a little oatmeal on his cheek.

Baby Boy in his sleeping bag. Last year, he slept in Mommy's sleeping bag.

We never would have got this shot last year, since Baby Boy was still riding backward!


  1. I love how you showed him through the years... so great!! That car picture is hilarious!!!

    God bless-

  2. cute! I have one of those backpack carrier things...awesome!

  3. So cute! They grow up WAY to fast!
