Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Snow Day

It's snowing again, which reminded me of the pictures I captured a few weeks ago when it snowed. Here's my favorite one!


  1. Oh, how fun! I used to LOVE making igloos and tunnels and snow forts. Great picture!

  2. OK, I have been having blog issues out the yin yang, but you have to tell me, how do you put those words on your pictures before you post them?? You talented little thing! Love the pic of your little Eskimo on the igloo!!! ♥

  3. That's more snow than we've had. Fun if you're playing and not driving

  4. What an adorable photo!

    Just getting back to all my commenters from SITS FB day ... slowly but surely...

    Thanks for coming by my blog!

  5. What a great picture! Looks like a fun time to me! All our snow has melted down here, but they're predicting snow in Denver for Christmas...fingers crossed!

  6. OK... it's REALLY time for an update to your blog!
